
Showing posts from August, 2019

Buddy Thomas

I think it's fair to say that all the major characters in Native Son  represent something larger than themselves. They typically represent a subset of a larger demographic of people. Going off of this idea, I was wondering what role Bigger's family play in Richard Wright's analogy. Even if his family does not necessarily hold their own metaphorical roles in society, they might be examples of the types of people that would influence the Bigger Thomases of the time. After all, these three people are the first people to interact with Bigger in the book, and their relationships with him already show a lot about his personality. What can their relationships with him show about their  personalities? The family member that was the most intriguing to me was Buddy Thomas. He is the only one that really seems to develop his character throughout the novel, and as I said before, it's his interactions and relationship with Bigger that show his own character. One thing is constant